Please make the complement, it is not necessary to attach proof of payment will give you a folio number which you must share with your processing partner so that he/she can present himself/herself at the window to Once you have made the complement, it will give you a folio number which you must share with your processing partner so that he/she can go to the window to print the maneuver and then to my warehouse colleagues. In our portal enter to:

➙ Conultationss
      ➙ Services
            ➙ Service requests

👀 Filter your code, Click on the three dots and select "add an additional service" whether it be emplaye, strapping, additional personnel, etc.

🚩 Additional services that program the most


➙ FAQ.body.answer.answer2.2
      ➙ FAQ.body.answer.answer2.3

👀 FAQ.body.answer.answer2.p

👀  The cost for revalidation is 928.00+VAT.

👀  Current month re-invoicing fee of $580.00 + VAT.
👀  The re-invoicing fee for the previous month for $928.00 + IVA.