Under the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (by its acronym "LFPD" and hereinafter "The Law") and other applicable provisions, CLJ Terminal Portuaria, generate this Privacy Notice in observance and compliance with the Law, which was published on November 18, 2020, applying the guidelines, policies and procedures to protect your information. To this effect we inform you that the personal data that you have decided to share, including those that the "Law" itself defines as sensitive, will be treated under the confidentiality and security measures provided for such purposes.


CLJ Terminal Portuaria and its affiliated companies, according to the services that you decide to contract with each one of them, are domiciled at:
Banda C, Tramo 9 Puerto Interior de San Pedrito S/N Colonia Burócrata C.P. 28250 Manzanillo, Colima Tel: 3141800700.


Your personal data will be used for the proper provision of the services contracted by you. The personal data that may be collected, but not limited to, are collected and classified under the following categories of personal data:

    1) Identification data.

    2) Personal characteristics data.

    3) Labor occupation data.

    4) Economic and financial data.

a) GENERAL INFORMATION: When you provide your name, address, date of birth and/or incorporation, country of birth, nationality, gender, age, marital status, occupation, profession, activity or line of business, telephone numbers, email, Unique Population Registry Code (CURP), Federal Taxpayers Registry (RFC), as well as the serial number of your Advanced Electronic Signature. For the purposes indicated in this Privacy Notice, we may collect your personal data in different ways, for example: when you provide them directly to us, when you visit our website, when we obtain information through other sources such as telephone directories, business, labor, etc., and that are allowed by the "Law".

C. Processing of sensitive personal data.

SENSITIVE PERSONAL DATA: You are informed that in order to comply with the purposes set forth in this Privacy Notice, may be collected and processed personal data that the Law calls sensitive, to the effect the RESPONSIBLE for the processing of such information undertake that they will be treated under the strictest security measures to ensure confidentiality.When such sensitive personal data are requested by the RESPONSIBLE, CLJ Terminal Portuaria may refuse to provide them, in which case it will not be possible to provide certain services.


Original and necessary purposes: Management, control and administration of communications, requests, quotations and budgets related to the offer and provision of services, where appropriate and expressly requested by users and/or employees of CLJ Terminal Port.

WEB Page

  • Customer registration on the platform for service scheduling, and notifications regarding contracted services.

  • Clients and Suppliers

  • For the provision of foreign trade services.

  • Management of the corresponding invoices.

  • Provide advice and information to users in relation to the validity, quotation and collection of services.


Your personal data may be transferred and processed by persons other than the RESPONSIBLE, inside and outside the Mexican Republic, in the following cases:

  • Holding companies, subsidiaries or affiliates of the LIABLE, or a parent company; for statistical and historical record purposes.

  • Subsidiary holding company and affiliates for the purpose of centralizing collection.

  • Subsidiary holding company and affiliates for purposes of centralizing supplier portfolio and compliance rating.


The transfer of your personal data in the case referred to in the immediately preceding paragraph does not require your consent. In all other cases, your personal data will not be transferred to third parties without your prior and informed consent, except for the exceptions set forth in article 37 of the LFPD and in any case complying with the conditions set forth in article 17 of the LFPD Regulations.


You or your legal representative has the right to access the personal data we hold about you, and the details of the processing thereof, as well as to rectify them if they are inaccurate or incomplete; cancel them when you consider that they are not required for any of the purposes stated in this Privacy Notice, are being used for non-consensual purposes or the contractual relationship has ended, or oppose the processing thereof for specific purposes (ARCO rights). The mechanisms that have been implemented for the exercise of such rights are through the submission of the respective request:

    Directly to the Responsible Parties at the address indicated or by inquiring through the contact means indicated above. Your request must contain the following information:

    Name and address of the holder or other means to communicate the response to your request.

    Documents proving the identity or legal representation of the holder.

    Clear and precise description of the personal data with respect to which you seek to exercise any of the aforementioned rights.

    Any other document that facilitates the location of the personal data.

The Controller will inform you, within a maximum period of twenty working days, counted from the date on which the Controller receives the corresponding request, of the decision taken. If the request is accepted, it will be effective within fifteen working days from the date on which the Controller communicates the response. In the event that the information provided in your request is erroneous or insufficient, or the necessary documents to prove your identity or the corresponding legal representation are not accompanied, the Controller, within five working days following the receipt of your request, will require the correction of the deficiencies in order to process it. In these cases, you will have ten working days to comply with the requirement to correct the deficiencies, counted from the day following the day on which it was received. The corresponding request will be deemed not to have been filed if you do not respond within such term.

The Controller will inform you, within a maximum period of twenty working days, counted from the date on which the Controller receives the corresponding request, of the decision taken. If the request is accepted, it will be effective within fifteen working days from the date on which the Controller communicates the response. In the event that the information provided in your request is erroneous or insufficient, or the necessary documents to prove your identity or the corresponding legal representation are not accompanied, the Controller, within five working days following the receipt of your request, will require the correction of the deficiencies in order to process it. In these cases, you will have ten working days to comply with the requirement to correct the deficiencies, counted from the day following the day on which it was received. The corresponding request will be deemed not to have been filed if you do not respond within such term.

The use of electronic means for the exercise of ARCO rights authorizes the data controller to respond to the corresponding request through the same means, unless the holder himself/herself clearly and expressly indicates another means.

It is important to mention that the exercise of any of these rights is not a prerequisite nor does it preclude the exercise of any other right.

We also inform you that you have the right to initiate a Data Protection Procedure before the Federal Institute of Access to Information and Data Protection ( within 15 working days from the date on which you receive the response from the Controllers, or from the end of the 20 working days from the date of receipt of your request to exercise your rights referred to in paragraph a) above. For further information, please contact the Responsible Parties.


CLJ Terminal Portuaria, may deny total or partial access to the Personal Data or the rectification, cancellation or opposition to the processing thereof, in the following cases:

  • When the applicant is not the owner or the legal representative is not accredited to do so.

  • When the applicant is not the owner or the legal representative is not accredited to do so.

  • When the rights of a third party are harmed.

  • When there is a legal impediment or resolution of an authority.

  • When the rectification, cancellation or opposition has been previously made, so that the request lacks subject matter.


PERSONAL: You may revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data, without retroactive effects, in all those cases in which such revocation does not imply the impossibility of fulfilling obligations arising from a legal relationship in force between you and the Controller.
At any time, you or your legal representative may revoke the consent you have given us for the processing of your personal data, so that we stop using them. The procedure for the revocation of consent, if applicable, will be the same as the one established in the immediately preceding section for the exercise of ARCO rights.


You may limit the use or disclosure of your personal data by directing the corresponding request to our Personal Data Department. The requirements to prove your identity, as well as the procedure to attend your request will be the same as those indicated in section G) of this Privacy Notice (Exercise of ARCO rights).

CLJ Terminal Portuaria declares that it has sufficient security measures for the protection, integrity, confidentiality and assurance of your personal data, whose access will be restricted to duly authorized persons and whose treatment is prohibited in contravention of the provisions of this Privacy Notice.

CLJ Terminal Portuaria will inform its employees, representatives, subcontractors or consultants who may have access to or otherwise deal with personal data of the Holder, of all the obligations they have regarding the protection of such data in accordance with the provisions of this Privacy Notice and the applicable legislation in force.

CLJ Terminal Portuaria, its employees, representatives, subcontractors, consultants and/or third parties involved in any phase of the processing of the holder's personal data must maintain confidentiality with respect to such data, an obligation that will subsist even after the end of the relationship between AON and the Holder.-


Your personal data may be transferred and processed inside and outside the country, by persons other than this company and for the purposes that have been indicated in this privacy notice. In the cases foreseen in article 37 of the 'Law', the consent of the holder will not be required to transfer your personal information to third parties, which transmission must be made in the terms that the same 'Law' establishes in article 37.

If you do not express your opposition to the transfer of your personal data, it will be understood that you have given your tacit consent to do so.

In order to ensure the protection of your Personal Data and limit the unauthorized use or disclosure thereof, the following actions will be taken:-

  • Confidentiality of the information. CLJ Terminal Portuaria, will keep confidentiality with respect to your Personal Data collected, same that will subsist even after finishing its contractual relations or of another nature with the holder of such Personal Data, in the understanding that the use of its information for the purposes indicated in the present Warning of Privacy will not be understood as a lack to the Confidentiality of the Information.

  • Confidentiality Notification. In the event that, for any reason, CLJ Terminal Portuaria, finds it necessary to provide your Personal Data to third parties (under the terms provided in the "Law" or in this Privacy Notice), it will notify such third parties of the obligation to comply with the provisions of the "Law" and the confidentiality of your Personal Data.

  • Computer and IT systems. Our databases are protected by firewalls and computer systems and / or computer systems focused on preventing and avoiding that people outside the company CLJ Terminal Portuaria, or unauthorized persons can access your Personal Data.


For the purposes of this section, the 'website' includes the mobile applications of the Responsible and other companies of CLJ Terminal Portuaria.

The personal data that, if any, are collected through websites will be collected for the purposes described in this Privacy Notice. In all cases, the Responsible will identify the type of data requested and the specific purpose for which they will be used.

In some cases, the Controller will collect your personal data through websites or web platforms. In these cases, the Controller may place 'cookies' or other tracking media on your device, as described below. In other cases, the placement of these means will allow the Controller to improve the effectiveness of the CLJ Terminal Portuaria website and its marketing activities.


The Controller may collect personal data during your visit to a CLJ Terminal Portuaria website or through the use of cookie technology. A 'cookie' is a piece of programming information contained in a very small text file that is placed in your Internet browser or other places on your hard drive. You can control the acceptance of cookies by modifying your Internet browser preferences. You have the ability to accept all cookies, to be notified of a cookie, or to reject all cookies. Please note that if you choose to block all cookies (including essential cookies), you will not be able to access all or part of our sites and may not be able to use those services or engage in activities that require the placement of cookies. The Controller and/or its subsidiaries use cookies to distinguish you from other users of our website and to help us compile aggregate statistics about the use of our websites.

“Web beacons”

In addition, on some occasions, the Controller may use tracking technologies such as 'web beacons' to collect data about your visits to the CLJ Terminal Portuaria portal. These are small electronic images embedded in web content or e-mail messages and are not normally visible to users. Like cookies, this tracking technology allows us to track the pages and content accessible and available to users on the CLJ Port Terminal site. The use of these technologies also helps us to provide you with a positive experience when browsing our websites, and also helps to refine our content and personalize your experience.


The Responsible may modify, update, extend or otherwise change the content and scope of this Privacy Notice, at any time and under its complete discretion. In such cases, the Responsible will communicate such changes through the web page:

and, if applicable, via e-mail, when such means has been established as a communication channel between you and the Controller.

Updated November 18, 2020.